Tuesday, May 28, 2013


What an amazing surprise to arrive in Sydney with a city-wide display of light! 

The administrators of Sydney dreamt up a brilliant way to draw people into the city during its ‘low’ season…winter.  The weather is still perfectly delightful – average in the 70’s – but still they wanted to see what they could do to bring people in.  This intense 2-week festival launched 5 years ago and has grown exponentially each year.   I can’t even imagine what it will be like in years to come. 
This year’s festival is May 24 to June 10 and commences each evening at 6PM concluding at midnight.  People are out, street vendor food, music, INCREDIBLE light shows all over the city…small and large!  I tried to take pictures, but all lights are moving, so it was impossible to truly capture the essence of the art with still photography.  I did take some short videos with my camera (inferior quality at best), but really and truly…you need to go to experience it for yourself!

The video is of the display on the Contemporary Art Museum.

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