Saturday, May 17, 2008

The BEST Dog Ever!

The thought of a hot dog doesn’t really thrill me…what exactly is in it anyway?

Despite the mystery, a great dog is to be savored and thanks to a friend from Kansas City, I think I have found the BEST. Or at least my choice for best…

Poipu is where we find this unlikely champion. Tucked back in a tourist shopping center on the South end of Kauai is the Puka Dog stand. The sweet buns are lightly toasted from the inside (too much to explain here..), you can choose from a Polish or Veggie dog, choose your level of heat, choose your fruity island relish and finally the mustard ( I liked the Lilikoi the best, maybe because it is the most Hawaiian) and voila ! Bliss ! The combination of flavors is perfect. I hope you get to enjoy one soon.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Of all the cities I have visited recently, Istanbul captivates me the most. It is a contrast of time and cultures where the 'Clash of Civilizations' is epitomized. As you cross the straight between Europe and Asia or cross the street from Jewish to Muslim to Christian places of worship, you can not help but to feel the history.

Hagia Sophia is not to be missed. Go to to read all about it. (Isn't wikipedia great!) The thing that makes you pause is the plaster falling off the walls. When the Ottomon Turks converted it to a mosque, they plastered over all of the Christian mosaics. That plaster is now falling away and can not be repaired because it is a protected site. The mosaics are typical Byzantine. The message...

As we walked the social district at night, there were literally thousands of people in the streets. Small, make shift tea cafes along the alleyways, restaurants, street musicians, book stores, and even nightclubs. Taking it all in. What a treat!

With friends Natalie and Andrew, we had to experience one of the cafes and enjoyed an apple huka with apple tea. I really wanted to jump in on the chess game going on next to us, but maybe next time. Wonderful way to watch the night go by.