Friday, August 24, 2012

New Zealand

It’s on everyone’s list – right?  Well, once you have done it, you will see that it is a destination to visit more than once.  This post is the first in a series on New Zealand where I hope to entice you to move the destination to the top of your list!

The flight from LAX to Auckland is 13 hours.  While that may seem daunting, it is quite easy.  Air New Zealand really really does a fantastic job of making the time fly (no pun intended…)  Gorgeous planes with fantastic service and a plethora of movies to engage (or dull) the mind.  They offer 4 classes of service to suite every level of comfort and budget.
The country itself is beautiful!  A paradise offering a breadth of cultural and natural experiences to engage the mind, body and spirit!  No wonder Peter Jackson uses the country as the stage for his blockbuster Lord of the Rings trilogy.  While the dramatic beauty is captivating, there are very (VERY) few people and very few mosquitoes!  AND NO snakes!  All good things in my book.

New Zealand offers a broad range of accommodation from some of the top lodges in the world to hostels and backpacker type accommodations.  Obviously am more familiar with the former over the later and will describe some of my favorites in a later post.   
Things to do…, wine, surfing, hiking, biking, fishing, skiing, diving, art, history, food, kayaking, whale watching, BUNGY, geo-thermal, heli-anything, hunting….and probably tons more! 

More to come!